- Laura Cheadle + The Girls single release feature in Skope Magazine
- Laura Cheadle Featured In Music Connection
- Laura Cheadle’s Music Video ‘Reverberate’ selected for Listening Room Festival- The Advocate
- Laura Cheadle featured in SD Voyager
- Laura Cheadle interview in Canvas Rebel
- Laura Cheadle featured in Shout Out SoCal
- Voyage’s Bold Journey Series
- Laura Cheadle interviewed for ShoutOut SoCal
- Laura Cheadle featured in SD Voyager Magazine
- Laura Cheadle Interview in Skope Mag!
- Laura Cheadle in Chester County Times
- Laura Cheadle performs her new music on WBRE TV!
- Laura Cheadle on Raid The Cage on CBS
- Laura Cheadle sits down with Skope Magazine to discuss her new Halloween single ‘Medusa’
- Laura Cheadle’s in depth interview in SD Voyager Magazine
- Laura Cheadle chats about her life and music with Canvas Rebel!
What Drexel University students are saying about Laura Cheadle:
“As a musician. She is a hot musical act. But for real she is really good at what she does. My favorite part of her songs is the passion in her voice, she really lays it all out there. I respect vocalists who do not hold anything back when they sing. That high note in “Hey There Devil” that she hit literally gave me the chills. I’d ask her about some of the awards she has won, including the “Best Female Artist of 2010″ according to 93.7 WSTW.”
“I think Laura Cheadle is amazing! She was so raw and pure with her music. She is not one of those artists who sell out to become rich and famous. She purely performs for the music, which is so refreshing after all the Justin Biebers and other stupid artists that are currently popular…I would request for her to play Lay Me Down again because I really enjoyed the funky feel of the song. As soon as she started playing in general, I was surprised at how much feeling she had in her songs. She had such a strong, controlling voice when she began to sing, which was interesting coming from such a small girl. Whoever was in the room had to stare at her while she performed because she just had such a deep presence. She wrote all her own songs and they meant something to her, so she put her all into playing. It was very impressive.”
“Her work with her family is amazing, i can barely get through a sit down family dinner without my family fighting let alone tour and make music together. I really admire her passion and her love of the music, i get upset sometimes when bands i listen to change there sound to sell more records, some change their sound and inadvertently get more popular but that’s another story, her dedication to her style is something i would love to see in all artists today. It was also really chill to talk about pete&pete and Salute your shorts with her, she was very down to earth, really a great person and a great musician.”
“Laura is gorgeous and she has a beautiful voice to match it. I think it’s really cool that she writes and plays her own songs. She actually knows how to play the guitar and drums as well, which shows her diversity. A great feature about listening to Laura is her range. She can play Tower of Power funk music, but also switch it up and sing one of her own songs, such as “Lay Me Down”. I also think that the fact that she works so well with her family is a true testament to her character and shows that she is a good person.”
By Robert Barry Francos
LAURA CHEADLE is one of the more prolific artists in recent memory. Writing songs, playing guitar and singing, she is, as always, backed in her recording by her brother on electric guitar solos and her dad as producer (he as contributes various other instruments, including keyboards, mostly in the form of electric organ). There are a bunch of other musicians helping out to fill out the sound. Her newest is “Change (It’s Alright)” (lauracheadle.com), and it’s a little bit of a departure from her previous works. Sure, she’s still in the jazzy R&B mode, which suits her voice and material well, but there is more. Some of her earlier material had loose themes, be it holiday songs or steamy love bit, but this one is by far (in my opinion) her most mature work with well rounded sensibilities, great catch phrases, and her cleanest sound and mix. There’s still the steam, in the likes of “Hey There Devil” and the catchy “Sunday Naps,” but there’s also the R&B title cut raver which Marvin Gaye might nod at (no pun intended), and so on, like “Existing on Wishes,” “Blue Sky,” and “Rainy Day.” The last, unannounced track, is of a little girl singing, and as there is no reference, I’m not sure if that’s Laura as a kid or someone else, but it’s cute. Congrats, Laura.
Jersey Beat Magazine:
South Jersey girl LAURA CHEADLE is fun-kay; well, her music certainly is. With a sharp R&B feel, Laura’s music is positive, be it ballad or uptempo, and highly sensual, with numbers like the opener of “Live On” (lauracheadle.com), “Constantly,” “In the AM,” and “Whatever Moves You.” She whacks the listener on the side of the head with the mutha-funkin’ (her words) “Funk is Dead,” which has a wonderful catch that may have you humming well past listening. The prolific musician, with the help of her family of Cheadles, continually seems to produce memorable melodies, fun lyrics, and with Laura’s natural (i.e., not “studio-produced”) voice, you can dance, rock back and forth, or just smile, but you’re going to have a good time. As any reviewer knows, you listen to a CD perhaps a couple of times to get the feel of it, and then it goes on the shelf. Well this one will be joining the likes of Mary Gatchell (now THAT would be a great double bill), Tamara Hey and Angela Easterling on the regular playlist at this abode.
Getting off to a rousing start with the lively and exciting “Constantly,” this album offers one delightfully snappy, thrilling and spot-on pop-rock song after another. Laura Cheadle’s wonderfully warm, husky and robust full-throated voice belts out the thoughtful lyrics with infectiously hearty aplomb. The arrangements are crisp and tuneful, with the steady drums, equally sturdy basslines, and buzzing guitars keeping the music rich, catchy, funky, and flavorsome throughout. The songs neatly alternate between touching and subdued introspection (the moving “Answer Within Me,” the neatly bumping “In the AM”) and more energetic rock-outs (the smooth-grooving blast “Funk is Dead,” the punchy raver “Whatever Moves You”) with always pleasing and often uplifting results. A very cool and worthwhile album.”
-Review By: Joe Wawryzniak: JERSEYBEAT.COM